Monday, May 19, 2014

Wet Dogs

Well I saw this cool phototographer Sophie Gamand who did a series of dog portraits and I am totally wishing my mom would not cut my hair so much. I know my hair would never look as good as the picture below but I think I will still try to get my mom to take some "wet" pictures with me soon. 
So stay on the lookout! Check out all of the portraits here
Love , CO

Friday, May 2, 2014


Howdy to all my dog lover's out there! I know I have been missing for a few but let me tell you what's been going on.

My mom brought me to the vet the other day because apparently I had a stank mouth and my teeth were full of this and that. They had to put me under (ya know I was all loopy) for this teeth cleaning business. While I was under my doc called my mom to tell her that I had a fractured tooth by my gums. My mom got all freaked out and thought I had been in ton's of pain but my Doc told her that I didn't. Apparently my teeth were so dirty the grime filled the fracture. HAHA! Remember when I found out that I had heart worms! Not a fun time. I kinda felt like that during all of this. Bottom line is I went in for a teeth cleaning and came out with one less tooth. Mom's been feeding me mooshy food and I love it. Today was the first day she gave me hard food and I totally turned away from it. Maybe she will get the hint and add a little warm water in it for me. Who knows. Check out my cool Doc's Facebook page. He is the bomb. You can also find me on Facebook! Wahoo!

I wanted to share this cool chart with you today on a dog's actual age. Pretty cool huh! So what I am gathering is after 3 I should be possibly older than my owner and they should call me Miss. Ceaux out of respect for their elders. Right?

Ok! See ya later! 
xoxo, CO

Friday, February 21, 2014


Hey y'all. It's me COOOOO COOOO. Back in action with my pink furrrr. My mom was making some tie dyed eggs when I heard her say come seeeee cooooo. I just knew something bad was about to happen. You know what sucks. The fact that I can't even see how silly I look. I think I might be cute because mom was like ohhhhh myyyyy goodnesss you are soooo cuteeeee. I did a little showing off since she said that. 
 So. I showed her how fast I could run as a pink dog. I mean look at me. My poor stuffed animal is the victim of lot's of bad things. 
 Pooooooo look at me! I am like a horse jumping all kinds of things. 
 Mom told me to pose so I did. She is prolly posting these on my facebook page. You should come follow me bc there are lot's of fun things on it. 
 And this is the crime scene. I think that napkin is what my mom was using to dye her eggs with. My friend looks helpless. Guess I will go throw her around to wake her up. 
Yep. That's what's up today. I heard my mom say she was going to rainbowwwww me or something. Who knows what that means. Wanna dye your animal? Get your one step tie-dye here
See ya later! co